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Friday, October 14, 2011

Tired and Hungry

I am sitting in room 220 typing html code. I am very hungry and tired

I would like the following at the moment:

  1. Happy Hour
  2. Mexican food
  3. Chocolate Milk
  4. A nap
  5. No work tomorrow

Instead of napping, I will be doing:

  • Business Law Homework
  • Financial Accounting Homework
  • Doing Laundry
  • For more information, please go to Deliciousness

Sales Query

Used CD Prices


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Hardware and Software

Today’s society is full of ever changing technology that serves a variety of purposes. It helps people stay in touch with each other almost effortlessly over the internet, but also serves a more practical purpose. It can help business prosper if they have enough foresight to keep up with the latest technology trends. A few pieces of hardware that can assist companies are:

GPS- GPS systems can assist truckers, shipping companies, and taxi companies save money and time throughout the business day. No longer do they need to plot out the most effective routes, but they can get updated directions as they go about their travels. Many systems also give up to the minute traffic information to avoid sitting in costly traffic jams.

Smartphones- Smartphones allow people and business to stay in touch with important clients and contacts anywhere they may go. Users have the ability to make calls, send/receive emails, and even take and send pictures in large quantities over the typical cell phone network. “ Their ability to get the job done away from the office, a computer, and maintaining connections while mobile make them seem autonomous when compared to the various technologies that preceded it. Smart phones are a great tool to help you improve your business. [1]

Tablets/Ipads- Similar to Smartphones, tablets and Ipads are allowing employees and businesses to communicate and work with much greater ease than in years previous. They allow for access to the internet, many productive software systems, and also take the place of paper information. For example, airlines have now started to equip pilots with Ipads to replace paper charts and maps. “The FAA does allow pilots to use so-called electronic flight bags, but these aviation computers are bulky and weigh as much as 18 pounds." By contrast an iPad weighs less than 1.5 pounds, and "will replace about 38 pounds of paper operating manuals, navigation charts and other pilot materials." [2]

Kindles/Ebooks- The rise of Ebooks and Kindles in recent years has show that another small device can help improve business and make work easier for many employees. These small electronic devices can hold thousands of documents or books, allowing for everything to be found in one place. Instead of lugging around a few books and a briefcases worth of information, Kindle users now have everything at their fingertips. “Kindle makes it easy to take your personal and professional documents with you. Each Kindle has a unique and customizable e-mail address. This allows you and your approved contacts to send Word, PDF Documents, and pictures to your Kindle.” [3].

G-Chat- GChat, or similar systems, can help employees maintain contact with one another much easier than having to keep sending emails to one another. Instead of waiting for replies whenever the person may check their email, Gchat and other live messaging systems allow for live interaction and contact with anybody who is already in the employees Email lists. I have several friends who work in accounting and maintain contact with other employees through inter-office live messaging programs and systems.




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