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Friday, October 14, 2011

Tired and Hungry

I am sitting in room 220 typing html code. I am very hungry and tired

I would like the following at the moment:

  1. Happy Hour
  2. Mexican food
  3. Chocolate Milk
  4. A nap
  5. No work tomorrow

Instead of napping, I will be doing:

  • Business Law Homework
  • Financial Accounting Homework
  • Doing Laundry
  • For more information, please go to Deliciousness

Sales Query

Used CD Prices


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

National Geographic Research

1. How is the manipulation of Genographic Data similar to the manipulation of business data? What DBMS tools and techniques are shared by both?

By being able to manipulate data in the databases and creating things such as queries, the genographic data can be easily understood, narrowed down, and show whatever the user of the database may want it to. If you want to see where a person's ancestors have been or any trends in the DNA, it is easily narrowed down by fields or attributes in the databases. Businesses use the same manipulation of data to show trends in almost any sort of data. It could show demographics of customers, sales data, etc. It can narrow down information to a simpler and more concise way, making the data easier to understand by somebody on the outside.

2. How does National Geographics investment in this DBMS assist other researchers? How might this data be shared using the database concepts taught in this chapter?

By investing in the initial database system, National Geographic is furthering the whole field of genographics. The information collected could be used by other researchers who may want to try different things with the research and did not have the means to collect such vast quantities of data. Having such large stockpiles of data can lead to other researchers reaching different conclusions about the data, analyzing it differently, or using it for completely other means. They could use multiple user database networks to share the information with other researchers and could possibly allow them to add information to the databases.

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